Mind Body Aligned

The universe truly works in magical ways. Roughly a year and a half ago I was at one of my all-time lowest points. It certainly didn’t help that I got in not one, but two, car accidents within 5 weeks. The second accident was pretty traumatizing and totaled not only my car, but the remainder of the spirit I was fighting to hold on to.

The body

This week I want to talk about something we carry with us everywhere, but hardly ever think about.  Unless we’re complaining about it! Or pinching and prodding it.


Spring is here and as soon as it rolls into summer we can all bet that every advertisement will be about bikinis, losing weight, and getting rid of cellulite, blemishes and any other perceived imperfection a body can have.  In conversations with friends, the topics will be “I need to lose 10lb or I have to get rid of these stretch marks before I can show my legs.” And I want to head this off at the pass, so to speak. I know that the way the media landscape is, this post may be the only positive thing you read about your body this whole season.  Even ads and organizations claiming to be body positive resort to tactics that trick us into feeling bad, all so we’ll buy the latest bra, skin cream, or eyeshadow.

We'll all float on okay

The past six weeks have been nothing but beautiful chaos. The last time I wrote we were gearing up for heart month and all that goes along with it. There truly aren’t adequate words to express how much all of this has come to mean to us. However, if i had to pick one word to begin to describe things, it would definitely be passion.

Dreaming one step at a time

Writing this post to you from a quiet weekend away with my other half. We spent our New Years 2018 here too and I spent so much of that time writing about what I hoped would come to pass in the next year. And I want to talk what can seem to be a scary and complicated topic: manifesting and achieving dreams. 

My most wonderful time of the year

Well…it’s 7 PM on January 31st which means in just a few hours we will officially be 1/12th of the way through 2019! I swear time is flying by, even though there have certainly been days that I felt were dragging into actual eternity. As January draws to a close I wanted to check in with all of our lovely readers and see how everyones first month went in terms of rethinking/reframing your resolutions and doing more of what sets your soul on fire!

Rethink the Resolution

Hi Loving Lately readers!!I I start off this post with just so much love for you for taking the time to read our words. We are just so grateful for you.

OK so we’re a few weeks into the year…and I want to talk about resolutions. This post is as much for me as it is for you, because I want to rethink the concept of resolutions and I hope you’ll join me in doing so.

This is the time of year that many of us choose to make resolutions, goals, dreams for the year and you know here at Loving Lately we LOVE personal growth and that is essentially all we write about. BUT…I think the culture around resolutions kind of stinks to be honest. Lose weight, spend less, get a promotion..these are some of the most common resolutions. And those are admirable ones, don’t get me wrong, but I think we can have a much better 2019 if we take a second to reframe them.

Soul on Fire

I have only one resolution for 2019, and that is to do more of what sets my soul on fire! As I began thinking about my upcoming Loving Lately post a few weeks ago, I kept coming back to the phrase soul on fire. I can’t take credit for this little phrase or hashtag, it actually comes from one of my favorite bloggers, Jordan Younger, aka The Balanced Blonde. Her words have always resonated with me, but recently I haven’t been able to shake them. They have become engrained in my heart, mind and soul.

Don't talk about it, be about it

“Speak kindly to yourself..your mind hears every word you say.”

I hardly ever journal, but I did once this week.  And I wrote hopes and dreams I have for next year, for the year after that, and so on.  And while in that zone, the words I wrote were positive and kind and optimistic. The thing is though..this is NOT how I always speak to myself.

When we’re all in this season of considering what our 2019 will look like, I want to invite all our Loving Lately readers, and myself too, to think about how you’re speaking to yourself about your goals, dreams, and wishes.