All in love

The Power of Our Voices

Wow - it’s been 6 months since I last wrote. A lot has happened in those 6 months….primarily, a global pandemic. WTF? After being so consistent I ended up losing touch with my writing. I got caught up in the notion of needing to produce the perfect piece and it never seemed to happen. I was putting way too much pressure on myself and the joy and benefits of writing disappeared. SO I’m putting my fingers to the keyboard today to get my writing juices flowing once again….forget perfection. After all, nothing is perfect (nor should it be) and that is what makes this life so beautiful.

Stream of Consciousness

After an almost 4 month hiatus I'm happy to say I'm back to writing!!

Over the last few months I struggled to settle on a certain topic I wanted to write about. When it comes to my writing I am definitely a perfectionist and I feel like I need to deliver a top-quality piece with a clear beginning, middle and end each and every time. My mind, emotions and experiences were all over the place and I couldn't settle down enough to string together what I considered a cohesive and coherent post. But then I realized life is not always so succinct and easy to tie up in a nice little package and that in and of itself is what makes it so beautiful. Back in the beginning of June I was on the cusp of experiencing so much beauty, so much opportunity, and so much "newness".  As I've moved through so much in the past few months I finally decided to take the leap and just write: attempting to cover all that I've been feeling and all that has been happening. Here goes nothing – my stream of consciousness post! I'm smirking as I'm typing because there's no way I can adequately capture all of my feelings and do them justice with mere words.

So…it’s been a while! HELLO! I haven’t written in such a long time for a few reasons but the primary one being….(drumroll please)…. I’M PREGNANT! My husband and I found out earlier this spring that we’re going to have a baby in December, which is to be quite honest is the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me and my husband and our literal dream come true.

Dreaming one step at a time

Writing this post to you from a quiet weekend away with my other half. We spent our New Years 2018 here too and I spent so much of that time writing about what I hoped would come to pass in the next year. And I want to talk what can seem to be a scary and complicated topic: manifesting and achieving dreams. 

Soul on Fire

I have only one resolution for 2019, and that is to do more of what sets my soul on fire! As I began thinking about my upcoming Loving Lately post a few weeks ago, I kept coming back to the phrase soul on fire. I can’t take credit for this little phrase or hashtag, it actually comes from one of my favorite bloggers, Jordan Younger, aka The Balanced Blonde. Her words have always resonated with me, but recently I haven’t been able to shake them. They have become engrained in my heart, mind and soul.

Finishing Strong

Is it just me, or is anyone else blown away by the fact that it is already December 6th? I feel like it was literally just the beginning of summer two days ago and now we are 19 days away from Christmas and 26 days away from 2019! Say what?!?! It’s that time of the year where our social media feeds flood with the quintessential holiday decor pictures (hey, I do it too, nothing wrong with spreading a little cheer!) but it’s also the time when all the memes/various social media posts start to pop up about how awful this year was and how the New Year can’t come soon enough. I have so been there. In fact, I’ve been there every year since 2015. Let’s be real…life happens. It’s messy and raw and a tumultuous rollercoaster — but it’s also freaking beautiful.

Until further notice..CELEBRATE EVERYTHING!

We've always tried to keep this blog positive.  We deal with heavy topics sometimes here at LL, and we're definitely not immune to some seriously challenging life circumstances.  One of the side effects of hardship (for me) has been that I hesitate to feel happy, to feel joy, to feel like I have my feet on solid ground.  When I do feel the urge to celebrate, I think "what will go wrong next?", or "will celebrating make it more likely that something bad will happen?" or "how will I ever get anything done if I'm always celebrating where I'm at?"

Loving Lately: Queer Eye

So you guys may or may not have noticed… I took a little hiatus.  Kelly and I have religiously switched on and off every 2 weeks writing blog posts since Loving Lately began and in the middle of last month I just completely shut down and couldn’t.  I didn’t want to write candidly and in detail about what was going on in my personal life, but I also didn’t feel like writing about just anything because everything else felt so inconsequential.

The long story short is Scott and I lost a member of our immediate family to cancer.  And we’ve been grieving this for some time now and the last time I was supposed to write for Loving Lately I just couldn’t wrap my mind around what would be important enough to write about and Kelly I’m so thankful took the wheel for me and posted all this gorgeous love and amazement with her Heart’s Delight post.