All in health

That tapping thing

I think one of the most frustrating things about how we as a culture talk about stress is that we constantly emphasize how bad stress is for you, but offer very little in terms of actual effective and easy to use tools to use to reduce our stress and create happier, healthier lives.  

Enter: that tapping thing.  AKA EFT (emotional freedom technique) or tapping.

The only diet you need in 2018: a social media diet

We all lead super full lives, there's no question about it.  And maybe, there's a priority in your life that you'd like to spend more time on.  Maybe it's your family, your partner, or your friends (or all of the above!).  Maybe it's a hobby that you absolutely love but never have time to devote to.  Or maybe it's a whole new activity- you'd like to take up yoga or sign up for a local art class.  But you just never seem to have the time.

What if I told you, that you could literally increase the number of hours in the day?  Just kidding.  I'm not magic (my Hogwarts letter got lost in the owl post!). 

To be totally honest with you guys, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to swing my Loving Lately post this month. The sh*t basically hit the fan last Friday night and our world blew up a little. Loving Lately has hands down been one of the best things about this year for me. I take writing for the blog very seriously and my writing process and timeline is usually pretty planned and precise. But this post? Well this post is going to be messy and raw and vulnerable and probably unedited.