All in interviews

Walking to wellness

Hello readers! I'm super excited to share this post with you all, as to me it exemplifies part of the original vision Allison I had for the blog: focusing on things (no matter how big or small) that we are loving lately. So…what have I been loving lately?! My mom's commitment to her cardiovascular health and her development of a walking exercise routine! I really wanted to feature her because she exemplifies that small consistent changes can add up to some of the biggest results. I truly couldn't be prouder of her!

Mind Body Aligned

The universe truly works in magical ways. Roughly a year and a half ago I was at one of my all-time lowest points. It certainly didn’t help that I got in not one, but two, car accidents within 5 weeks. The second accident was pretty traumatizing and totaled not only my car, but the remainder of the spirit I was fighting to hold on to.

In this piece I really wanted to showcase others perspectives as opposed to just mine. The flip side of the coin. The stories of those who provide love and care to us. Who nourish us and allow us to be who we are. To feel what we feel. I decided to briefly interview four of the most impressive caregivers I know (excluding my husband, as ours is a story for another time): my grandmother, my mom, my dad and Stacy