Loving Lately

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The Power of Our Voices

Wow - it’s been 6 months since I last wrote. A lot has happened in those 6 months…including a global pandemic. WTF? After being so consistent I ended up losing touch with my writing. I got caught up in the notion of needing to produce the perfect piece and it never seemed to happen. I was putting way too much pressure on myself and the joy and benefits of writing disappeared. SO I’m putting my fingers to the keyboard today to get my writing juices flowing once again….forget perfection. After all, nothing is perfect (nor should it be) and that is what makes this life so beautiful.

I hope everyone has been doing okay these past few months. Between Covid_19 and the atrocities occurring across the country things have certainly been stressful. scary. demoralizing. heartbreaking. unjust. the list goes on. and on. and on.

These past few months have forced me to slow down, to breathe, to sit with my feelings and to just be. They have also strengthened me, both physically and mentally, in ways I never imagined possible. I’m actually writing a blog for ACHA next week about that so I won’t get into it here (although I will share once it’s posted!)

I had the honor of being a guest on Dr. Timothy Nelson’s podcast, Cause2Cure. Dr. Nelson is the head of the Todd and Karen Wanek Family Program for HLHS at The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. He and his team do groundbreaking research and work. Having the opportunity to share my story so openly was such an honor. The podcast, and the response I received, really opened my eyes to the strength of my voice. I felt empowered as I shared my thoughts on mental health, a topic extremely near and dear to my heart. I feel inspired to really work on this issue in the heart community moving forward. I was able to speak with two families who recently received an HLHS diagnosis. I was reminded again of just how powerful our individual stories are. How unique and beautiful we all are despite any number of differences we may have. That with vulnerability comes opportunity, inspiration, and growth.

Our voices are powerful. We must ALL use our voices in every single way possible. We must educate. We must advocate. We must empathize. We must listen. We must learn. We must change. The world and humanity needs us now more then ever. And although times are tough, I hold out hope. I see my incredible nieces using their voices on social media to raise awareness. To advocate for change. To walk in solidarity and to have important conversations as a family. To say I am a proud aunt would be an understatement.

Keep holding yourself and others accountable. Keep listening. Keep learning. Keep sharing. Keep supporting. Keep LOVING.

With love and in solidarity,