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World Heart Day 2018

Did you know that World Heart Day is celebrated every year on the 29th of September? Cardiovascular disease accounts for nearly half of all non-communicable diseases, making it the world’s number one killer. World Heart Day strives to educate individuals that by controlling their risk factors at least 80% of early death from stroke and heart disease could be entirely avoided. Risk factors include poor eating habits, lack of exercise, smoking and excessive drinking. Are these habits that you are engaging in truly worth an 80% chance that you might succumb to a premature death due to heart attack or stroke? There are so many people struggling with serious health conditions that they have absolutely no control over...it's heartbreaking! We must take control of our own habits and strive to live our healthiest lives. Our health is truly our most precious gift and cannot be taken for granted. 

The theme of this years World Heart Day is all about promises. Promises that you will make to yourself or to others regarding your health. As the World Heart Day 2018 website so eloquently puts it: "A simple promise....for MY heart, for YOUR heart, for ALL our hearts".  Maybe you will promise to exercise just a little bit more, or to eat just a little better. As a parent, you might promise to pack healthier snacks for your children's lunchboxes and to encourage them to get off of their electronic devices and spend a little more time outside. As a healthcare provider you might vow to spend a few extra minutes with your patients educating them on healthy habits and to save more lives. The possibilities are endless and the results limitless. 

I am certainly celebrating world heart day, and would encourage each and every one of you to do the same. Rock some red this weekend. Take the time to reflect on what promises YOU can make. Change starts with merely one simple step forward and together we CAN build a healthier community. What promises will you make today? Share them with me, share them with your loved ones, share them with the world. Let's use social media for good..and let's work to make healthier living the norm! 

Which brings me to my final point, something I've been hesitating to put out there because it is all still so fresh and so new and still formulating in our minds. But hey I figure if I put it out there and you all read it, then I have to hold myself accountable and make it happen! Mike and I have been kicking around the thought for quite some time to start a website that serves as a resource for heart healthy living. It would highlight exercise, nutrition and recipies, blog pieces, media clips and of course other passions that make our hearts happy...like travel and photography! What do you guys think? Would you read? Eeeek...we'll see where this all goes! 

For more information on World Heart Day - along with tons of resources, check out the website below: 


As always - thanks for the never ending love! 

With heart,